Sunday, March 28, 2010

Resistance is Futile!

So I've been back to the gym a couple of times since my last body is not cooperating very well. I'm supposed to continue doing the same exercises that my trainer showed me on Tuesday, but you know, it's just not the same doing it without Chris. It's too easy to give up when the weight gets too tough. I somehow have managed to fight through, even though on the last set I did drop the weight 5 lbs on each arm just to be able to complete the set. I added in some shoulder and arm work and got on the elliptical for 45 minutes yesterday, 2 minutes keeping heartrate at 160...throttle down to 140 for another 2 minutes and back and forth as Chris instructed.

The diet thing is throwing's really hard to break bad habits. I had two large kolaches for breakfast yesterday, then had fajitas and eggs mid morning. I guess the latter is not TOO bad. Though the two flour tortillas probably weren't that great. I ate a couple of snacks during the afternoon...a turkey sandwich with no cheese, and then later a slice of wholewheat bread with some peanut butter. But last night I went to The Olive Garden...I know - TERRIBLE! I just had soup and salad, but I also ate three breadsticks. Yikes!

I must have picked something up from the gym, because I started feeling a cold coming on last night, and sure enough I woke up today with a full on sore throat, chest and nasal congestion. Stupid gym germs! I'm gonna have to remember to wipe off the equipment with sanitizer BEFORE I use it and not just after.

Hope I get over this cold quickly! I can't let it hinder my progress. I'm determined not to let my body get in my way! Resistance is FUTILE!

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