Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Crimp in the plan...and my neck

So my efforts to start working out hard have been temporarily sidelined...over the weekend I had a "slumber party" with my niece and nephew and they wanted to sleep in the living room in sleeping bags. So I slept on the couch and during the night my niece came up and wanted to sleep on the couch with me. I pulled her up with me, where she subsequently took over the once she fell asleep I got up and slept in the recliner that night. I woke up the next day and my neck was hurting, as it has done several times before. I put a couple of pain chips on either side and that alleviated the pain when I was stationary, however turning my neck I still had acute pain. I figured I had a pinched nerve. That night I tried to sleep with a rolled up towel under my neck...that usually helps...and of course leaving the pain chips on. When I was still, it was not a problem...but when I would roll over I would feel a sharp pain. Getting up was rather difficult too, as the weight of my gargantuan head and gravity, didn't quite play well together in this situation.

I went to see a chiropractor, Dr. Brett Payne, on Monday. Turns out he is a Chiropractic Neourologist as well. He put me through several tests, including a modified version of the field sobriety test, to check my motor skills, range of motion, and I'm sure several other things that I wouldn't begin to understand. He took X-Rays and didn't adjust me right then, but had me do some TENS therapy on my neck and shoulder which helped loosen the vice grip my muscles had put on me.

When I went back the next day, he went over the results with me very thoroughly and said that I have moderate to severe Central Nervous System Disorder. From what I understood, basically the discs in my neck have degenerated to the point that it is putting pressure on the nerves in my neck and spine and "choking" the communication pathways for my Central Nervous System...I imagine similar to a kink in a water hose. Which I guess is the reason when he tested my reflexes, I didn't respond to a couple of locations. Kinda scary. He performed some adjustments on me and recommended a treatment plan which includes some physical therapy.

Anyway, until I have a little better idea that any training sessions or hard core workout won't cause any further damage and that I am progressing in the reversal of the nerve interference, I'm afraid that it will have to be on hold. Of course, that's no excuse not to address my diet and get some light exercise, which is what I'm going to focus on for now.

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